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What does the monthly fee include?

So that we can provide you with the best possible service, support and security ph9 / uporium / Antiques Web Design have to invest heavily in technology and personnel that aren t always seen by our customers. By paying the fee you aren t just getting your site hosted somewhere and this document will help explain everything that we provide in exchange for the fee.

People you can call and talk to on the telephone!

A real person to speak to. Anytime a query or question crops up, call us, we re not shy. In today s online world it is often forgotten how satisfying and efficient the spoken word is. From time to time we will send out communications via email however we are always here to talk with directly should you need to.


The monthly fee includes UK based technical support. This means you can call us if you need help, have a question, or need to be shown how to do things. We have a wonderful remote control facility so rather than just talking through a problem we can take control of your screen and show you how to do things.

We'll show you:-

  • How to add items to your website
  • How to edit or remove items
  • How to add and adjust your content
  • And much more

Regular upgrades and improvements

Our ready-made websites (those sold since 2013) are on our latest platform which we're constantly improving and adding new features to. When these features are released they'll be automatically applied to your website for free!

We also regularly add extra optional features which can be added to your website for an additional setup and/or monthly fee.

Fast Hosting

Your web site has to live somewhere. That s what s called hosting. Unlike many “cheapo” hosts out there who cut corners, our UK based hosting is tip-top so your web site loads really quickly, is really reliable, and your customers don t get impatient waiting for things to load. The servers that your website live on are continuously monitored so it s likely we would know about a major problem before you did, this means we can get to work fixing a problem straight away.


If your web site breaks, or if you get an error or a problem we ll fix it for you at no further cost to you. You get peace of mind.

Access to your “content management system”

You can change the content of your web site whenever you want, wherever you want, and as often as you want with an extremely easy to use facility included in the monthly management fee.

Easy Marketing Suite

The Easy Marketing Suite as described in the “What s included in the base package” section of our proposals (where applicable). However in essence your website will collect the email addresses of your customers onceeither through an enquiry, an order or a sign up to your mailing list. You can then send emails out to your customers including details of your new items for sale, news about your company, or to alert them about special offers, sales or events.

Please consult pricing or contact us with regards to which email marketing suite is included and your contact allowance.

What we don't include

  • Adding, adjusting or creating the content of your website for you. We provide you with a website manager (content management system) so you can do this yourself, and we show you how to use the website manager. Unless we're doing a stock/product import for you, or providing you an additional management service, then all management of your items/stock, content, etc once your website is live should be done via your website manager
  • Ongoing marketing and promotion of your website. We'll certainly point you in the right direction however, and we do have some marketing services available for an additional fee

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