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Uploading a PDF


You would like to be able to send people a link to a file (eg a picture, PDF document, etc) in an email mailout, or include a link to a file on your web site. These instructions will show you how to do this.

Step 1

Write out the text that you would like to turn into a link

Step 2

Highlight the text that you have just written out

Step 3

Click on the “link” icon on the toolbar of the content editor.

Step 4

Click on the yellow folder icon

Step 5

a) Click on the “Browse” button (see screenshot below)

b) Choose the file on your computer that you would like to create a link to

c) When selected, press the “upload” button (see screenshot below)

Step 6

When the file has been uploaded, it will appear on the list to the right. Click on the file on the list on the right, and then click on the “ok” button.

Step 7

Press “insert”, then press “ok”

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