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How to integrate with Campaign Monitor
Websites that these instructions apply to

These instructions apply to most of our websites created since 2014 which allow the automatic choice of being able to select which email marketing suite you use, without having to have it custom integrated into your website.

If your website is older than this, or if the options below aren't available to you, please contact us about upgrading your website.

How to integrate your website with Campaign Monitor

  1. Log into your website manager

  2. Go to the "Email Marketing" section and click on settings. Or alternatively, go to the "Settings" section and click on "Email marketing"

  3. Here you will find a tab which allows you to select your email marketing provider. Simply select "Campaign Monitor" as your email marketing provider.

  4. Once selected, you will be able to enter in your API Key and your List ID from Campaign Monitor.

How to get your API Key

  1. Log into your Campaign Monitor account, then click Account Settings
    Account Settings

  2. On your Account Settings page, press Show API Key to get your API Key.

    Show API Key

How to get your List ID

  1. Your List ID is the ID of the list you would like potential subscribers to be signed up to if they fill in the signup form on your website.

    First, click the list you would like to use from the Lists and Subscribers tab


  2. Then, on the List page, click change name/type


  3. Finally, copy the List ID

    List ID

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