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Why have I been charged to renew my domain name?
Domain name registrations have to be renewed on a yearly basis (or 2 yearly, 3 yearly, 4 yearly etc).

When you register a domain name, you buy your ownership of it for a year or two, then it has to be renewed. This is the way domain names work around the whole internet, and this is the same no matter which company you use to register your domain name.

Before we renew your domain name, we send you an email 60 days before telling you we are going to do it. At this point we give you the opportunity to cancel. If you don’t cancel, your domain name is automatically renewed to prevent you from losing it. After all, we don’t want your domain name getting lost or being bought by one of your competitors!

30 days before your domain name is due to expire we automatically renew it and send you the renewal invoice.
Both of the emails mentioned above are sent to the invoicing email address we have on file for you which can be changed by logging into our online customer portal via our main web site.

With our web sites we provide domain name(s) inclusive of the set up fee. This is 2 domain names for our bespoke web sites, and 1 domain name with our “off the shelf” or "ready made" web sites.

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