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Cancellation policy on off the shelf / ready made websites

Refunds of the setup fee

The setup fee is non refundable.

To clarify, we do not provide refunds of the setup fee in any circumstances which are outside of our control, such as:-
  • You change your mind
  • You never got around to setting your website up
  • Your circumstances change
  • Any other circumstances outside of our control
Unfortunately as a business it's not logistically possible to be held accountable for events or circumstances outside of our control. We've still created the website setup at our end, and incurred costs, so we can't issue refunds on the initial fee.

Monthly fee

There is a 12 month commitment on the website monthly fee.

We make the 12 month commitment extremely clear in all our sales literature, when you set up the Direct Debit (GoCardless) for the monthly fee, and in all of our terms and conditions. There is also a box you have to tick to acknowledge the 12 month commitment when you set up the monthly fee.

If you cancel in the first 12 months, then you would need to make the remaining payments. These can either be paid monthly as normal, or in one go.

So for example, if you wish to cancel after month 8, then you would have 4 monthly payments remaining.

The Monthly Fee is payable irrelevant of whether the Website or System is live or not.

Notice period

Please click here for details of the notice period.

Distance selling / 14 day cooling off period

These do not apply to B2B transactions. Please click here for details.

What will happen to my web site? Can I turn it back on later?

We usually archive all web sites that have been switched off so that if you decide to re-activate it in the future then you can. This is for a maximum of 6 months as we have to pay to store the archived copy of your website. Please note there is a reactivation fee of £100+VAT so if you are only wanting to suspend your website in the short term, it's usually more economical to keep it going.

Domain names

Please note that domain names are renewed every year (for .com) or every 2 years (for If you choose to cancel your website we'll also ask you what you would like to do about your domain names. You can also find information about domain name renewals and cancellations in our domain names section:-

Terms and conditions

You can find our terms & conditions here:-

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