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Do you provide a discount on the monthly fee for Christmas to New Year closure period?

When do you close between Christmas and New Year?

This varies each year, but as a general rule we close between the 23rd or 24th of December, and re-open a day or two into the first week of January. Keep an eye on our blog for specifics for this year.

Do you provide a discount on your monthly fee for the time you close between Christmas and New Year?

In a word; no.

In almost 2 decades of business we've only been asked this question once, and were rather shocked but we have created this FAQ just in case we're asked it again.

Whilst we are unavailable for the Christmas to New Year period, it is only once a year and our staff are entitled to a break. Whilst we understand that you can't call us for help during this period, your website is still online, and we are still available 24/7/365 for emergency support via the tech support system.

But no, we do not provide you a discount on your monthly fee during this period. Just the same as we don't provide you a discount on our monthly fee because we close at weekends or sleep at night.

What if I need help during the Christmas to New Year period?

There are the following resources available:-


Our FAQ has lots of help, information and guides


Our blog has lots of guides, how-to articles and more.

24/7/365 emergency support

You can submit an emergency support ticket via your website manager 24/7/365. Please note this is strictly for emergencies only, and a fee applies for any non emergency tickets logged as an emergency.

Besides that, please put your feet up and enjoy the Christmas break! :)

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