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Banned items

Replica items and fakes

You are allowed to sell replica or fake items on your own website.

... HOWEVER you must declare if an item is a replica, a fake, or a copy. This should go in the item title and/or item description.

Dealers not sure if an item is a replica or fake or not should err on the side of caution and explain this in the item description.

Please just make it clear so buyers can make their mind up.

Not declaring replica or fake items just harms the credibility of the industry for everyone.

Prohibited items

The following items are strictly prohibited

  • Anything showing graphic content
    • Including but not limited to photography, postcards, magazines, newspapers or similar
    • This includes any visual material that is considered disturbing, offensive, or inappropriate
    • This includes any items depicting murder, suicide, torture, genocide, abuse, rape, or anything similar

  • Anything containing words or phrases known to be offensive. This includes the "n" word
  • Racist, sexist, homophobic or misogynistic pieces
  • Any items promoting violence
  • Any items promoting terrorism
  • Anything promoting or glorifying hate ideologies
  • Anti semitic


We are strongly against hate ideologies, racism, homophobia, misogyny, sexism and any kind of discrimination, or the promotion of such.

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